Scalable and INCREmental security monitoring and enforcement for Timed systems |
The context of this project is Scalable and incremental security monitoring and enforcement for timed systems. We focus on :- Incremental/compositional framework for the runtime enforcement of safety timed properties for reactive synchronous systems
- Incremental/compositional framework for the runtime enforcement of all regular timed properties
- Application of the proposed incremental enforcement frameworks in some specific application domains/scenarios; explore distribution of enforcers
SINCRET is a joint project between
- DEVINE team, INRIA center at Rennes University, France
- IIT Bhubaneswar, India
SINCRET is a joint INRIA/CEFIPRA associated team, and was selected in 2024.
Main Research Themes:
- Theme 1. We study the serial composition of enforcers for properties with both timed constraints and data values, starting with safety propeties.
- Theme 2. We try to extend the theory to more general regular properties.
- Theme 3. A prototype implementing the synthesis anf serial composition of enforcers is under development.
- Theme 4. The prototype is experimented on case studies. The first application we consider is a swarm of drones.
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